Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s behind the bookcase?

You’ll get to find out soon enough! Beginning January 3, The (un)Holy War will hit the interweb. Stay tuned!


Work Update

I’m happy to announce that the first page of The (un)Holy War is done! I won’t be posting it until January 3, so you’ll have to wait a while to see the finished product. In the meantime, don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s a small preview of things to come. Enjoy.

The exterior of Jonas Johnson's church

Soundboard from the first page of The (un)Holy War

Work in progress

I just finished working on my final script, and my final storyboard.

Little by little, I’ll be posting rough sketches of my characters, starting with some of Jonas Johnson. I hope to have a couple finished pages of the novel posted on the site by the end of October. In the meantime I’ll be posting miscellaneous drawings on the site, so keep checking often!

Slow Progress

The (un)Holy War is a satirical graphic novel. I’m slowly in the process of editing drafts, and wrapping up the preliminary rough storyboards. The site will likely be up and running by the end of October.